EXON SARS-CoV-2 Real Time PCR Detection Kit

For the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid19), serum, lower respiratory tract samples (bronchoalveolarlavage, sputum, tracheal aspirate) and upper respiratory tract samples (nasopharyngeal fluids and swab) taken from individuals meeting clinical criteria, or either is a diagnostic kit that works on the basis of reproducing target nucleic acids using RNA isolated from samples taken from individuals seeking diagnosis for different purposes.

  • The reaction time is on average 1 hour. 
  • This period may be longer / shorter depending on the brand and model of the Real Time PCR device used. 
  • Open contained in the EXON RT-qPCRMix Reverse Transcriptase enzyme does not require a separate RT step, it can be run directly with the RN sample.